Sunday, September 4, 2011

FINAL: Sort Out Game Continuous Play Rules

For game one and game two of peewee sort outs, we follow continuous play hockey rules.  

Player Positions
  • The two teams are wearing red and white pinnes with the numbers on the front. 
  • While on the bench, the players order themselves in order of pinnie number, low to high. For example, a red team will have pinnie numbers twenty nine to forty five. 
  • Pinnie number twenty nine will be positioned at the out door. 
  • Players always stay in pinnie order to assist the evaluators in the stands. 
  • On the bench, the next five players decide which position they will play. For example, red may have number twenty nine to thirty three up next. Twenty nine calls center, thirty calls left wing, thirty one calls left defense, thirty two calls right wing and so by default thirty three gets right defense. 
  • The next shift, the players cannot call the position they have already played. Players are expected to rotate in all positions during the game. This is to demonstrate knowledge of the game, positional play and flexibility expected of peewee players. 
  • Following from above, the bench has an out door and an in door. The players go out, play for a shift and then are signaled off. Players exit the ice and get on the bench through the in door. 
  • The nature of play is that coaching is not required. The players on the bench should be responsible enough for their own positions. 
  • Two parents may volunteer to be door openers, one for the in door and one for the out door.  
Rules of Play
  • A change of possession is defined as: All players of the offensive team must back completely outside of the blue line of the offensive zone to allow the defensive team to begin a fresh play with the puck. 
  • If a goal is scored, whistle will blow, a change of possession occurs, scoring team backs out and defenders take control of the puck and start break out. 
  • Similarly if the goalie freezes the puck, whistle will blow and change of possession. 
  • On offside, referee will signal delayed offside. If offending team touches puck, whistle will sound for offside and defending team will be allowed the puck. (change of possession) 
  • If puck is iced, the whistle will blow, defending team gets control of the puck and opposing team must allow them to gain control (change of possession) 
  • Body Contact (for clarification purposes): No BODY CHECKING. No direct board contact is allowed. No contact is permitted when moving in opposite direction.

Role of Referee
  • One coach referee is on the ice to ensure continuous play and enforce change of possession. 
  • It is expected that the referee will signal a player change every 60 to 90 seconds his whistle. 
  • He should not signal a shift change on events like break aways and scoring chances. 
  • Shifts should be done during breaks in play.  
  • A parent may wish to keep score on the clock, but otherwise a time keeper and scorekeeper is not required. 
  • There are no game sheets, there are no end changes.
  • There should not be a "90 second buzzer", no player wants to get buzzed on a break away during their game.
  • In the case of a game with two goalies, the goalies should shift every four player shifts, which would be approximately every six minutes. 
  • The two goalies may decide to split a game as is normally done in peewee if one goalie wants to play the second half of the hour.
What the evaluators are looking for
  • The evaluators are looking for players to showcase their hockey skills.
  • Positional play, it is obvious which position the player is playing by his position on the ice.
  • In the play, player demonstrates intensity and aggressiveness on the fore check and back check. The player keeps up with the play, and they are involved.
  • Aggressive, player demonstrates Intensity and aggressiveness on the puck carry. Did the player make a play or show high intensity (net drive) moving the puck (versus a dump or “hot potato” pass).
  • Passing and receiving, player passes the puck and receives the puck.

1 comment:

  1. So correct me if i am wrong.
    In each game there will be two goalies for each side(red and white) and they should change after every four players shifts or play half period each??
