Monday, August 29, 2011

Peewee Sort Out Ice Times

Below are the ice times for the first three weeks for Peewee.

Week One is a scrimmage game and a skills session. I will post this year's format for the game and skills session in advance of your ice times.

Note the separate player skills and goalie skills sessions. Goalies know their skills session will occur on Monday Sept 12

I will assign the first ice times by Wednesday after I get a few more player registrations cleared up, a few more player details done (16 players with unconfirmed email addresses) and a few more competitive tryouts complete. My list still has 46 players to come down from competitive tryouts.

Sort Outs Week One - Wed Sep 7 - Mon Sep 12
1Wed Sep 75:00PMSensplex ScotiaGame One
2Wed Sep 76:00PMSensplex ScotiaGame One
3Wed Sep 77:00PMSensplex ScotiaGame One
4Wed Sep 78:00PMSensplex ScotiaGame One
5Fri Sep 96:00PMJohn MlacakPlayer Skills
6Fri Sep 97:00PMJohn MlacakPlayer Skills
7Fri Sep 98:00PMJohn MlacakPlayer Skills
8Sat Sep 1010:00AMKRC ArenaGame One
9Sat Sep 1011:00AMKRC ArenaGame One (after comp tryouts)
10Sat Sep 1012:00PMKRC ArenaGame One (after comp tryouts)
11Sun Sep 116:15AMSensplex MattamyPlayer Skills
12Sun Sep 117:15AMSensplex MattamyPlayer Skills (after comp tryouts)
13Mon Sep 125:30PMKRC RinkPlayer Skills (after comp tryouts)
14Mon Sep 126:30PMKRC RinkGoalie Skills (after comp tryouts)
15Mon Sep 127:30PMKRC RinkGoalie Skills (after comp tryouts)
Sort Outs Week Two - Fri Sep 16 - Sun Sep 18
16Fri Sep 166:00PMSensplex MattamyGame Two
17Fri Sep 167:00PMSensplex MattamyGame Two
18Sat Sep 172:30PMKRC RinkGame Two
19Sat Sep 173:30PMKRC RinkGame Two
20Sat Sep 174:30PMKRC RinkGame Two
21Sat Sep 175:30PMKRC RinkGame Two
22Sat Sep 176:30PMKRC RinkGame Two
23Sun Sep 187:00AMKRC ArenaGame Three
24Sun Sep 188:00AMKRC ArenaGame Three
25Sun Sep 189:00AMKRC ArenaGame Three
26Sun Sep 1810:00AMKRC ArenaGame Three
27Sun Sep 183:30PMKRC RinkGame Three
28Sun Sep 184:30PMKRC RinkGame Three
29Sun Sep 185:30PMKRC RinkGame Three
Week Three - Fri Sep 23 - Sun Sep 25
30Fri Sep 235:30PMKRC RinkGame C
31Fri Sep 236:30PMKRC RinkGame C
32Sat Sep 242:00PMJack CharronGame B
33Sat Sep 243:00PMJack CharronGame B
34Sat Sep 244:00PMJack CharronGame B
35Sat Sep 245:00PMJack CharronGame A
36Sat Sep 246:00PMJack CharronGame A
37Sat Sep 247:00PMJack CharronGame C
38Sat Sep 248:00PMJack CharronGame C
39Sun Sep 253:30PMKRC RinkGame B
40Sun Sep 254:30PMKRC RinkGame B
41Sun Sep 255:30PMKRC RinkGame B
42Sun Sep 256:30PMKRC RinkGame A
43Sun Sep 257:30PMKRC RinkGame A

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Peewee First Email: Did you receive one?

I have done my best to send everyone a first email. The contents of the email should look something like below.

There are two important goals of the email:
  • I need to confirm everyone's email address. The addresses should be accurate, as that is what you provided at registration. I am finding there are a number of mistakes.
  • Confirm your position, especially if you are a goalie.
If you have not received an email yet, do contact me. Most of the first emails went out on Aug 21.

Note that I did not send an email to anyone registered in the Peewee Competitive Tryouts.

Subject: Welcome DYLAN HUNTER to KMHA Peewee 2011-2012

Hi parents and player: DYLAN HUNTER

I would like to welcome everyone to another exciting season of hockey! We are less than a month away from the start of the season and sort-outs.

I am providing information as it is available on my Peewee Convenor Notes blog.

There are notes for:

Special attention should be given where I am looking for volunteers for the sort-outs and season.

DYLAN HUNTER Verification

This first email is also a confirmation of my information for DYLAN.

He was on KMHA ATOM A1 last year as a GOALTENDER. This year he has registered as GOALTENDER.

I can have three email contacts in my list, I currently have:

  • Email qwe @
  • Donna qwe @

Please confirm this email and the email addresses above so we are prepared for my next sort-out email.

If you have any comments, concerns, or anything else, please let me know by any means at any time in the season.

Anthony Hunter
KMHA Peewee Convenor

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mandatory Hockey Equipment for Kanata Peewee

There are those that are new to ice hockey that may not have this information. Mandatory player equipment for the Peewee Level is as follows:
  • CSA certified helmet and full face mask (cage)
  • Mouth guard - does not have to be a custom one from the dentist, the 'off the shelf' ones work fine.
  • Neck guard
  • Hockey gkates
  • Shoulder gads
  • Elbow gads
  • Neck guard
  • Jock
  • Hockey pants
  • Shin pads
  • Hockey socks
  • Hockey gloves
  • Hockey stick
  • Jersey - one will be provided near the beginning of the season for games but you will have to bring your own for sort-outs and practices

Special attention should be made about the neck guard and mouth guard. Frequently players think they can get away without them. Incorrect, players cannot go on the ice without neck guards and mouth guards.

Goalies at the peewee level also need full equipment. KMHA does not rent or provide goalie equipment for the peewee level.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Peewee Sort-out Process

This post is aimed at providing some general information regarding the upcoming peewee house sort-out process.
  • Peewee house consists of three levels, A, B and C.
  • Peewee A is body checking. Peewee B and C are not body checking.
  • Body contact will occur as a natural element of the game of hockey at any level. It is important that parents understand the difference between body contact and body checking as the terms are applied in hockey.
  • There are currently players sufficient for fourteen teams in peewee house. Sort-outs are used to balance the players into the fourteen teams.
  • Players will each receive four one-hour sort-out times and will be assessed over the course of two weeks.
  • Players will be assessed on their demonstrated skating abilities (technique as well as speed), general hockey skills (passing, shooting, puck handling), and overall hockey sense (hunger for the puck, attitude, team play, instinct, etc.).
  • Goalies will have a separate "goalies only" assessment.
  • You will receive an email from the convenor indicating your sons's first two assigned times.
  • After the first two assigned times, there will be an initial sorting and the second two assigned times will determine the final sorting.
  • Players assessed as peewee A after the first two times will be further assessed on their willingness to engage in the physical part of the game. This body checking clinic is mandatory for those players who wish to play at the peewee A level.
  • Evaluators will have currently 231 players to assess. To help us do the best job possible, it is critical that every player attends all four assigned sessions.
  • Sort-outs will likely be the over the nine days between Sat Sept 10 and Sun Sept 18, including some weeknights scheduled. I do not have a schedule or ice times yet to be sure though.
Sort-out Volunteers

The sort-outs will not be successful without volunteers. I am looking for the following:
  • Sign in table: during sort-outs, we have a sign in table to greet players, hand out pinnies, mark players attendance and receive pinnies back at the end of the hour. Students can volunteer for the sign in table for their volunteer hours.
  • Evaluators: score the players during skills and game sessions.
  • On Ice: run the skills session, keep the skills session going and "referee" the scrimmage games.

Introduction to Anthony

My name is Anthony Hunter and I am your son's Peewee house convenor for the 2011-2012 KMHA hockey season.

This is my second year as the peewee convenor and fifth year in peewee hockey. My son Dylan is a minor peewee this year and his older brothers, Andrew and Brad, have done two years in peewee.

I also still play hockey. My wife Donna gets to be a big fan of hockey and four sets of smelly hockey equipment thrown in the basement.

Between hockey and Kanata soccer, I think there are twenty nine or so seasons of my son's sports teams. If I am not coaching my son's team, I am always helping out in some capacity. It is way more fun being on the ice or field rather than sitting in the stands. Especially at 6:00 A.M. in a cold arena in February.

Last year I head coached the Atom Ice Cobras A1 and assist coached with Peewee Black Ice B1 and Bantam Kaos C3.

I have several goals for the 2011-2012 season.

My primary goal for the season is to ensure that each and every player has fun, fun and more fun. Making sure the players enjoy their hockey season is the only thing that truly matters. If the players have fun and want to continue playing hockey next year, the season will be a success.

To ensure the players have fun, my next responsibility is to ensure the teams are balanced equally. Every player needs to learn and experience the wins and losses. Nobody has fun loosing every game and winning every game equally deprives players and their teams of valuable hockey lessons.

My third goal is to ensure every team has a set of coaches and volunteers who will promote fun and development both on and off the ice. This obviously depends on the most challenging task of finding the right volunteers and have every parent help to make a successful team and season. Let me know how you can volunteer this season.

As I said in a previous post, my final goal for the season is to be as open as possible as your convenor. This blog is one way to make that happen.

Welcome to Kanata Peewee

I am sending out my first emails hopefully tomorrow to parents as the peewee house league convenor for the Kanata Minor Hockey Association (KMHA).

This is my second year as the peewee convenor and second year for the Peewee Convenor Notes blog.

One of my goals for the season is to be as open as possible in my communication. Information I pass on to the coaches should be fully accessible to everyone. There should not be any secrets in house peewee. I know as a parent in hockey I was often scratching my head on how and why things were being done.

The blog is a big opportunity to document all the things a convenor does. We can now look at last years 2009-2010 blog and get a pretty good idea on how the season went last year.

I plan to post as many questions and answers as I can on the blog and point parents here. If one parent has a question, no doubt many have the exact same question. The blog also allows comments, so there are further opportunities for community and collaboration.

I am also able to eliminate the need to print out over 200 hand outs and send multiple emails if information gets out on this blog. There should be no worries about lost emails either, as everything will be here as a reference.

If you have any feedback, comments, concerns, or anything else, please let me know by any means at any time in the season at .
