Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Update: September 14

Today's peewee work was spent exclusively doing email. I do not know how many emails I went through but I sent 75 emails in two hours before I went to play hockey. The last few sent were quick one line replies. Played hockey, lost 5-4, had a post game beverage and then back home at 12:18AM to do more emails.

I was very appreciative that the first eight in the inbox when I got home were simple Thank You emails from parents. I am very fortunate to have a hockey community that is very supportive.

The two body checking clinics for tomorrow are in great shape. Most of the emails were getting the confirmation from players that clinics were either done before or registering players into the clinics for tomorrow. I have everyone registered and have helpers ready to go. During my first year, my organization of the body checking clinics was pretty much a disaster. Great shape this year, lemon shape last year.

I am somewhat behind in the organization for my helpers on the weekend. I will need to get the confirmations completed tomorrow. 

I had this question from many parents today, so this is a great question of the day.

Question: You said game four is a body checking game, what about game three?

Answer: The Sunday 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 morning games are the body checking games. All the other games will continue to be following the same continuous play rules as last week. There is no body checking in any of game three.

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