Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome to Peewee

I am sending out my first emails hopefully tomorrow to parents as the peewee house league convenor for Kanata Minor Hockey Association (KMHA).

As a new convenor this season, I am trying to figure out exactly how I want to do things. Keeping a blog is the first thing I wanted to start.

One of my goals for the season is to be as open as possible in my communication. Information I pass on to the coaches should be fully accessible to everyone. There should not be any secrets in house peewee. I know as a parent in hockey I was often scratching my head on how and why things were being done.

The blog is also a big opportunity to document all the things a convenor does. When I became the peewee convenor earlier in the year, I mostly had no idea what the convenor does. Hopefully I can keep a blog going here for future reference.

I plan to post as many questions and answers as I can on the blog and point parents here. If one parent has a question, no doubt many have the exact same question. The blog also allows comments, so there are further opportunities for community and collaboration.

I hope to get your feedback, but hopefully as well I can eliminate the need to print out over 200 hand outs and send multiple emails if information gets out on this blog. There should be no worries about lost emails either, as everything will be here as a reference.

If you have any feedback, comments, concerns, or anything else, please let me know by any means at any time in the season at .


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